St. Stephen’s invites you to join us as we experience the mystery and meaning of Holy Week. You can find service bulletins for livestreamed services on our homepage. Childcare will be provided at 10AM on Palm Sunday, at all midday services and at both services on Easter Sunday.

We look forward to sharing a rich and powerful Holy Week here at St. Stephen’s and hope you will join us. 

  • palm sunday

    Join us Sunday morning at 7:45 AM and 10 AM in-person or live on Facebook at 10AM as we begin our observance of Holy Week on Palm Sunday by celebrating Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem with the ceremonial Blessing of the Palms. However, we will soon realize how quickly the tables turn through a dramatic reading of The Passion narrative by members of our community.  

  • Midday Eucharist

    Join us in-person or on facebook at 12:30 PM Monday through Thursday of Holy Week for a simple service of Holy Eucharist as we walk the holy steps of this sacred journey together as a community of faith. Childcare will be available.

  • Tenebrae

    Our journey through Holy Week continues on Wednesday at 7 PM with a service of Tenebrae.

    The name Tenebrae (the Latin word for “darkness” or “shadows”) has for centuries been applied to the ancient monastic night and early morning services of the last three days of Holy Week, which in medieval times came to be celebrated on the preceding evenings. As we meditate on Christ’s journey to the cross in scripture and song one by one the candles and other lights in the church will be extinguished until only a single candle, considered a symbol of Jesus Christ remains until at toward the end of the service even this candle is hidden, which signifies the apparent victory of the forces of evil. A sudden loud noise is made at the end of the service, symbolizing the earthquake at Christ's death. The lighted candle is then restored to its place, suggesting Christ's eventual triumph. Childcare will be available.

  • Maundy Thursday

    Join us Thursday at 7 PM  in-person or live on Facebook as we begin our observance of The Triduum with Maundy Thursday.  This is an intimate service where we commemorate the institution of Holy Eucharist at the last supper and Jesus’ command to love one another with the memorial foot washing concluding with the moving Stripping of the Altar.  For those who wish to spend time in meditation on these events you can sign up for The Watch that will begin immediately following this service and run until Noon on Good Friday.  There will be also be an 90 minute virtual vigil broadcast from the Altar of Repose in the Chapel for those who wish to join online. Childcare will be available.

  • good friday

    Gather with us Friday at 12:30 PM in-person only and 7 PM in-person or live on Facebook at 7PM to commemorate the tragedy of the crucifixion and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus’ own life given for us as we take time to grieve his death.  Childcare will be available at both services.

  • Easter Vigil

    On Saturday at 7 PM we invite you to join us live or on Facebook for The Great Vigil of Easter.  This stirring service starts with the lighting of the new fire out in the courtyard.  We then move into the church by candlelight to hear the stories of God’s active presence in the world and renew our baptismal vows before joyously proclaiming the resurrection with music, the ringing of bells (seriously-grab a bell!) and the celebration of the first Eucharist of the Easter Season!  For many, this powerful and dynamic service is a highlight of the Holy Week experience. 

  • Easter Sunday

    Join us on Easter Sunday morning at 9 AM and 11 AM in-person or live on Facebook at 11AM! as we celebrate Jesus’ triumph over death by raising our voices in song and praise with a festival service where we get to bask in the glow of the resurrection and share in the immeasurable joy that Easter brings. Childcare will be available.

Whoever you are, come as you are. The Episcopal Church welcomes you, especially here at St. Stephen’s.