Racial injustice and violence remain at the forefront of the conversation and action in the United States. We desire to be a part of the solution as we strive to live into our baptismal promises to seek and serve Christ in all people and to respect the dignity of every human being. 

This page exists as a resource in an effort to assist our members in educating themselves and taking action. We encourage you to protest, educate, donate, check in on friends and colleagues. Do whatever is in your power to create a more inclusive existence.  

our anti-racism coalition

Recognizing the profound issues of racism facing us today, the members of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Santa Clarita, created the Anti-Racism Coalition (ARC) in March 2021. 

ARC holds several group events intended to bring our parish community together in conversation. We're grateful for the opportunity to share in this experience with our fellow parishioners. Contact Mary Jo Higginbotham for information.

ARC's goal

Our goal is to hold non-confrontational, informational, and transformative programs for members of our parish and, eventually for the community.

ARC's purpose

Our purpose is to define and discuss racism and all of its aspects. Then to learn what we can do to combat it as individuals, as a parish and, most importantly, as children of God.

Chats & sunday forums

Sunday discussions include topics such as: White Privilege, Microaggressions, Critical Race Theory (CRT), White Supremacy, and more. All are welcome!


Resources from the Church

We have provided links below that may help to educate, inform, and take action.

St. Stephen’s has no affiliation or connection to any of these organizations, links, or websites.