An Episcopal Church

The people of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Santa Clarita, have been reflecting the Light of Christ since 1963. St. Stephen's parish is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, and the Episcopal Church of the United States - ECUSA. 

What we do

We welcome all people, wherever they are in their spiritual journey, and invite all newcomers to travel with us and become involved as active members or our church community. We sponsor and participate in fellowship and service projects within the parish, in our local community and across the globe.


To be a loving and inclusive community restoring people to unity with God and each other in Christ through prayer and worship. We are called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people and to work, pray and give for the fulfillment of God's realm.

Our vision is to be Christ for each other and for the world. 

A safe & Sacred place for all

We are a community grounded by tradition, striving for justice for all people and growing in our understanding of faith. 

At the core of our existence is a commitment to our baptismal vows to “seek and serve Christ in all persons” to “strive for justice and peace among all people” and to “respect the dignity of every human being”.

We welcome all people, whoever they are and wherever they are in their spiritual journey. We welcome with open arms people of all ages, races, ethnicities, economic status, and sexual and gender identities. This is a safe, sacred space for all, and that certainly includes you!

What does st. STephen's mean to you?

Hear from our church community members what St. Stephen's means to them.


Digital welcome card

Please use this form if you are new and would like information on the church, if you would like to become a member, or if you'd like to update your personal information. You may also call the Parish office at (661) 259-7307.